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Gym & Spa

Project Brief

Unispace Interior was tasked with designing the interior of a gym and spa in Ethiopia. The goal was to create a space that would motivate and inspire visitors to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Schematic Design

In the schematic design phase, Unispace Interior developed a plan that included the layout of the space, the placement of equipment and fixtures, and the selection of materials and finishes.

The design was aimed at creating a functional and comfortable space that would encourage visitors to exercise and relax.

The Solution

Unispace Interior's solution was a modern and inviting design that incorporated elements of nature and Ethiopian culture. The interior design of the gym and spa was aimed at providing a comfortable and inspiring space for visitors to exercise and relax, with designated areas for workout and spa treatments.

The equipment and decor were carefully selected to reflect the client's personal style and preferences while also incorporating elements of nature and Ethiopian culture.

Concept Design

The concept behind the design was to create a space that would promote health and wellness while also being visually appealing. The design incorporated natural materials such as wood and stone, as well as modern elements such as metal and glass. The color palette was warm and calming, with a focus on creating a relaxing and rejuvenating atmosphere.

The layout of the space was designed to maximize natural light and create a sense of openness and freedom. Overall, the design created a functional and inspiring space that was reflective of the client's vision and values.
