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Building Architectural Design in Ethiopia

Project Brief

The project brief was to design an aesthetically pleasing and functional building that would serve multiple purposes, including office and commercial spaces. The design was required to be in line with local building codes and regulations while also incorporating elements of modern architecture.

Unispace is one of the top interior and Architectural design company in Ethiopia.

Schematic Design

During the schematic design phase, Unispace Interior worked closely with the client to establish the overall design direction and layout of the building. This phase involved creating initial sketches and 2D/3D models to establish the overall design concept, building orientation, and site layout.

The Solution

The solution involved creating a modern building design that would be aesthetically pleasing while also providing functional spaces for the occupants. The design included elements such as ample natural light, efficient space utilization, and sustainable design elements. The building design was also optimized to provide a comfortable and healthy working environment for the occupants.

Concept Design

The concept design was developed based on the client's requirements and input from the schematic design phase. The design concept focused on creating an attractive and modern building with clean lines, open spaces, and an efficient layout. The design incorporated elements such as green roofs, energy-efficient systems, and sustainable materials to reduce the building's environmental impact. The final design concept was developed into detailed architectural drawings, which were used during the construction phase.

Overall, Unispace Interior successfully delivered a modern and sustainable building design that met the client's requirements while also adhering to local building codes and regulations.
